Sticky's Mixmaster

On the 30th of March, the controversial band Sticky Fingers made a surprise come back at Bad Friday Festival after their fifteen month hiatus since February 2017. The hiatus followed on from a public statement from front-man Dylan Frost, discussing that the band were to be going on an ‘indefinite hiatus’ due to ‘internal issues’. This public statement from Frost arose from a throng of allegations and rumors targeted at the band regarding Frost’s behaviour towards women and accused him of being a racist.

  1. The Proud Family Sticky's Mixmaster Game
  2. Disney Sticky's Mixmaster

Australian singer Thelma Plum took to her Facebook page to accuse Dylan Frost of these anti-social behaviours in December 2016. The singer wrote “Before last night I would have never dragged the band name in but time and time again used his position of power as lead singer of Stickys to get drunk, bully people and is then never held accountable for his actions because he’s ‘had a rough trot’… there has to come a point where you have to take responsibility for your front mans actions instead of playing down/apologising for him”.

Some of the games are also available for your tablets or Android and iOS phones. The most popular game is Sticky's Mixmaster, which has been played 157315 times so far, and the most rated one is Proud Mini-Putt, with 141 votes received. These The Proud Family games received an aggregate rating of 77 / 100 from a total of 931 votes. Be the stick master, show the world what skills you have locked away, this is more than just about winning its about pride.

It was at this time also where Dylan Frost announced on Facebook that he had been dealing with severe mental health issues, such as schizophrenia and alcoholism. Mental health is never an excuse for unacceptable behaviour, but it is something that cannot just be easily dismissed. Whether or not the allegations against Frost were true, it cannot be denied that he needed help, and there is a complexity that comes with mental health problems. Thelma Plum stated that he couldn’t excuse the behaviour as “having a rough trot”, which is a fair statement, but I do not believe conditions such as schizophrenia can really be described as just a ‘rough trot’.

Five days ago, Frost posted an audio statement explaining that the rumours and allegations were not true, to explain he has “now been seen as a symbol of something I detest: a racist woman-basher. I’m an asshole sometimes, but not that much of an asshole”. An article discussing Dylan’s statement can be read here. They understand now that not responding to the rumours at the time has caused more detriment to the band and that copping the brunt of the backlash did not serve them any justice. In my honest opinion, Frost’s statement says all the right things. It appears that he has a clear understanding of what they did wrong in the ordeal, and how his behaviour has been unacceptable. He admits that he has hurt people and that people may think that he is now just “full of shit”.

Fruit Match 3 Fruit Match 3 is a match-3 games with the fruits. In each level, you need to clear the dirty cells. Make a column or row of three or more fruits of the same type to make them disappears.

Dylan Frost could be telling the truth, he could be sincere, this could be a whole misunderstanding and he may just genuinely still need serious mental health support. He could also be eloquently bullshitting his way through it all to get the band back in everyone’s good books because the band is short on a few quid and needs to start making a profit again. I’m not one to judge that. I don’t know him personally, I don’t know the full extent of the events that happened, I just sincerely hope he is receiving the necessary support that he needs.

My question to the public is when an artist, band or any creative person for that matter, gets into a sticky situation like this, at what point are we meant to jump onto this unspoken moral band wagon and begin to boycott and rally against any work they’ve ever created, and more importantly, enjoyed ourselves?

Jul 06, 2020 MixMaster is a program for editing midi files. It is unique because it is designed specifically for the song, style, pad and voice files used by the Tyros/PSR/Genos line of instruments. It comes ready to use with translations of voice, effect, midi and known Yamaha sysex commands. Sticky`s Mixmaster is a game from The Proud Family website. Are you ready for some good fun? Then Sticky’s Mixmaster game is all that you need to impress everyone and show the world how good you are. Today you will learn how to mix your own beat, to create a cool remix that can be on top.

I won’t lie, ‘Caress Your Soul’ is an absolute jam, ‘Gold SNAFU’ makes me smile, ‘Rum Rage’ makes me tear up, and I know the words to ‘Australia Street’ better than the back of my hand. Yet the sudden return of Sticky Fingers at the Bad Friday festival has seen a call for all to stop supporting the band. I understand the frustration many were feeling, that at this peak time of need for gender diversity and safe spaces in the music industry being at the forefront of the media, it can seem like a step backwards to support a band that has allegedly caused so much harm. But, when I put on a feel good playlist on Spotify and any of their songs come up, in an aid to prove my point and stand on a higher moral ground am I just meant to ignore that I ever enjoyed any of their music?

It’s the same with the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Those who know me well, know that I’m disgusted with his actions and am also a big supporter of the #metoo movement, so when I watch films like Tarantino’s Django and see Weinstein’s name listed in the opening credits I do get this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. However, I still appreciate the film and I think it is one of Tarantino’s best films (following Kill Bill because man, Uma Thurman is a total bad ass in those). Weinstein has produced many films in Hollywood and I can assure you that some of those films are quite possibly favourites still of many people out there.

People can do wrong, but we can still appreciate the talent they had or still have even. I do not condone the rumoured sexual violence Dylan Frost was accused of, but I personally separate my feelings of anger towards that behaviour from the great music they’ve already created. Whether or not I will be as supportive of their future music endeavours will be a different story, I will be viewing their work in a new light. I refuse however to completely boycott my support from anything they’ve ever done, because that’s not fair on a) my own selfish enjoyment and b) the hard work put in by the other band members, producers, mixers, friends and family that also helped in creating their previous content.

I’m reading Clementine Ford’s “Fight Like a Girl” currently, and whilst reading her work I feel very influenced to believe that the correct way to vouch for my equal rights as a woman and fight for female representation in the music industry is to slander the band and completely write off their existence, because obviously how can a feminist support such a woman hating front-man? But, I like to believe that I’m not so closed off in my opinions and that I can give Frost and his band mates the benefit of the doubt. I believe everyone can improve, and that continuing to rally against trying to allow this band to begin again will not be of any help to anyone. They’ve made mistakes. So have I. So have you. So has Clementine Ford. So has Ghandi. Nobody is perfect, and everybody deserves a form of redemption. But these politics of how I’m feeling towards this situation is personally separate from my enjoyment of Sticky’s music.

Some people’s political compass is more fine tuned than others, maybe I’m not politically and morally inclined enough yet, or maybe studying sociology made me too aware of understanding all sides of the situation, who knows.

Am I a bad person for still liking Sticky’s music? (guess what, I’m listening to them as I write this). Am I a bad feminist for liking songs written by an accused ‘woman basher’? Is my opinion of sexual violence and misconduct less valid because I still enjoy the music of Dylan Frost? I don’t believe so, but I feel like it is.

The road ahead for Sticky Fingers will be long and in no way easy if they wish to make a smooth sailing come back. I will admit, I’m excited to hear some more Sticky on my radio. I hope Dylan makes a safe recovery from his mental health problems, and I sincerely hope that his statement is true that he is not what people have believed him to be. I’ll be disappointed if it’s a lie, because that’s when my support for their music is withdrawn.

Sources for further reading:

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The name or term 'Mixmaster' refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Mixmaster (disambiguation).
Mixmaster is a DecepticonConstructicon/Triple Changer from the Revenge of the Fallen portion of the live-action film seriescontinuity family.
You can never have too many shields.

A genius chemist amongst the Constructicons, Mixmaster serves as a weapons designer to the Decepticon elite. He has spent his entire lifespan mastering the intricacies of chemical reactions, becoming an expert in poisons, corrosive substances, and most especially explosives. He has a knack for improvisation, being able to make deadly concoctions from just the native materials a world has to offer. He also seems to have a rivalry with the AutobotHoist.

There are at least two 'bots of his model, one of which forms the head of Devastator; the other may or may not also be named 'Mixmaster'.


  • 1Fiction
  • 2Games
    • 2.1Transformers: Dark of the Moon - The Game
  • 3Toys
    • 3.1Revenge of the Fallen
    • 3.2Transformers (2010)
    • 3.4Generations
  • 4Merchandise
  • 5Notes


Revenge of the Fallen film

Good luck figuring this out on my toy.

After the AllSpark shard was retrieved by Ravage from NEST's secure bunker at Diego Garcia, Mixmaster was among the Constructicons who secreted themselves aboard the Bayos freighter heading towards the North Atlantic. Once the ship passed over the Laurentian Abyss, Ravage flew onto the ship, hiding beside Mixmaster while a sailor passed. Once they reached the specific site, the Decepticons jumped overboard and dove down to where Megatron's broken body lay. Scalpel ordered the death of the smallest Constructicon to rebuild Megatron, a request that Mixmaster and the others obliged with. Soon, Megatron was reborn!

Jetfire stomps Mixmaster's head off (in case you were unable to see due to motion blurs)

After Megatron killed Optimus Prime, Mixmaster climbed the Brooklyn Bridge and knocked down the American flag in a display of dominance. Some time later, Mixmaster was present in Egypt during Operation: Firestorm and fought against the NEST forces in the Egyptian town near the great ruins of the pyramids, using his cannon emplacement mode to cause serious problems, until the ex-Decepticon Jetfire arrived to slice him in half and crush his torso, popping his head off and killing him. Revenge of the Fallen

Another Constructicon sharing the same body-type as Mixmaster appears during Operation: Firestorm as Devastator's head.
Mixmaster's involvement in the preceding events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the novel 'The Last Prime'; the comic mini-series 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Official Movie Adaptation'; and the storybook 'Rise of the Decepticons.'

IDW movie comics

Not shown: Mixmaster learning to use a bone as a club.

In the distant past, the AllSpark Cube created a race of powerful, trans-dimensional beings as the first inhabitants of Cybertron. The Cube gave these beings mighty powers, as well as terraforming their world, but it was not limitless, and gradually became depleted. The first beings learned that the AllSpark's power could be replenished by harvesting the energy of stars, but they were unable to locate new stars to suit their purposes, despite their amazing ability to travel between dimensions. Once again, the Cube came to the rescue, creating a race of workers, who had the ability to change their shape.

The 'Mixmaster' body-type was among the very first of these new beings, one of several 'builders' who would construct a harvester when a suitable sun had been found. Once built, the device would drain the energy of these stars, thus replenishing the AllSpark. Defiance #4

One of the Mixmasters was part of The Fallen's early Decepticons. On Earth, he and his brothers were sicced on the turncoat Jetfire. Mixmaster was the last one standing and managed to get the Seeker in a crushing embrace, informing him 'You die'. Jetfire got out of this by teleporting into Earth's atmosphere, causing Mix's death by atmosphere re-entry. Tales of the Fallen #3 It is presumed that at some point during the civil war on Cybertron, a surviving Mixmaster(s) sided with Megatron, the new protégé of the Fallen.

Mixmaster was the leader of the Constructicons on the Nemesis. He grumbled at Soundwave for ordering them to stay in the Longshot's cargo hold when they left the damaged Nemesis to pursue the Ark. Convergence chapter 1

Toy bios

While he's still brilliant, all the toxins he's worked on have rotted his own circuits and made him less and less careful with the chemicals he uses.RPM

All Mixmaster's experimental toxins need to be 'tested' and that's why he tracked down Hoist. Unfortunately, Hoist turned out to be a lot tougher an opponent than he'd bargained on! Back Road Brawl


Transformers: Dark of the Moon - The Game

Voice actor:Dave Boat (English), Marc Alfos (French)

Xbox 360/PS3

Mixmaster was one of the Decepticons dispatched to intercept an evacuation led by Ratchet and a NEST convoy. He led an assault group which was able to destroy the convoy; however, the evacuation had already ended. Since his mission had failed, Mixmaster tried to console himself by killing Ratchet and was able to put him in a critical state before Ironhide arrived and helped him. Mixmaster threw Ratchet away and ordered his troops to attack Ironhide, but the Autobot defeated them. Mixmaster then decided to take care of the situation by himself, but ended up trapped under a platform dropped by Ironhide.

However, this didn't stop him for too long, and he was able to quickly get out and place his remaining soldiers into a scrapyard. The troops were once again defeated by Ironhide and his new weapon sent by Wheeljack. Mixmaster was too confident that the weapon wasn't strong enough to take out his shields, and he attacked with no warning. During the battle, his shields were in fact destroyed by Ironhide's new weapon, turning the tide of the battle towards Ironhide's favor. Ironhide defeated the Decepticon and terminated his opponent, gangland execution-style.Dark of the Moon (Xbox 360/PS3)


While the other Decepticons were infiltrating NEST facilities, Mixmaster tried to bring back the Constructicons... somehow... and was probably stopped by the Autobots. Dark of the Moon: Autobots/Decepticons

Transformers: Forged to Fight

He's looking for payback for what Ironhide did to him in the last game.

Mixmaster was one of the Decepticons pulled from his universe by the Quintessons and forced to fight. He eventually joins the Commander. There are at least a few of him running around! Transformers: Forged to Fight

The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Revenge of the Fallen

Legends Class toys

My arms hurt...
  • Decepticon Mixmaster (Legends, 2009)
    • Japanese ID numberD2
Mixmaster and the six other Legends class Constructicons combine to form Devastator. In Japan, the Legends class Constructicons were sold individually. Mixmaster has the dubious honor of pulling Devastator's face around like a rectal growth in robot mode. He forms (you guessed it) the head of Devastator.
  • Constructicon Devastator (Legends figure multi-pack, 2010)
In Hasbro's markets, the Legends Constructicons were sold together as an exclusive multi-pack at Walmart in North America and Argos in the UK.

My arms hurt so much they're becoming purple.
  • EZ Collection Devastator - G1 Colors Version (Legends, 2010)
Takara also released the seven Legend class Constructicons in Generation 1-inspired green and purple color schemes.

Voyager Class toys

My arms still hurt...
  • Mixmaster (Voyager, 2009)
    • Japanese ID number:RD-12
    • Accessories: Missile
Voyager Class Revenge of the Fallen Mixmaster transforms into a gray and silver cement mixer with purple windows and headlights, based loosely on the Mack Granite truck seen in the film. He is notoriously one of the hardest to transform toys from the Movie toyline. The vehicle mode's mixing drum is incapable of rotating due to the transformation, but does boast a pair of gigantic Decepticon logos on either side. The cement chute at the rear of the vehicle mode can accurately raise and lower on a hinge, and the cannon can be fixed to fire directly overhead or behind at pursuing vehicles.
His robot mode is designed to be squat with very long arms, but in order to be fully functional and look like the stock photo, his legs at the hip joints must be slightly mistransformed from what is depicted in his instructions. This results in a robot mode that is very thin and lanky, with numerous joints on the extremely long arms alone. The packaging calls out Mech Alive gimmickry in the form of 'spinning gears' on his chest, but the feature is only present at the thighs and forearms, which reveal shifting internal bits when the joints are rotated. The robot mode's missile-firing cannon is locked in place on its back pointing straight upward; it can be raised over Mixmaster's head, although this involves letting the cab hang loose on his back as it's designed to attach to the cannon. Alternately the toy can be transformed to its artillery cannon-like Battle Mode that has him essentially performing a belly flop, letting the launcher fire forward. At least, according to the Battle Mode's official depiction on the instructions.
The instructions and the box pictures show the joint that attaches the cab to the robot to be inverted, with the released toy having the cab joint upside-down as compared with what is in the instructions and box pictures. Out of the box, the toy cannot exactly mimic the battle mode of the instructions or stock photos, but it's close enough for most people to assume they were doing something wrong until one realizes this mis-assembly. The joint can be corrected by the removal and re-attachment of the metal pin behind the front-bumper, but this is not as easy as it sounds and may potentially be damaging to the toy. This only applies to the Hasbro version of the instructions, however, as the Japanese Takara release had instructions depicting a completely different battle mode,[1] which utilised the joint in the direction it is assembled, as well as pegs and holes present on the rear wheel segments and the inside of the cab respectively.[2]
The image of the cement mixer mode on the packaging has been flipped horizontally as well, leaving the location of the ladder switched. Additionally, the robot mode image on the packaging has a different mold for the mixing drum shells, with rectangular-shaped pegs rather than circular.

My arms hurt so you can pretend it's still the 80s. I hate you.
  • Back Road Brawl (Figure multi-pack, 2009)
    • Accessories: Missile
Available only in the Toys'R'Us-exclusive 'Back Road Brawl' figure pack with Hoist, this release of Mixmaster features a new head that was gang-molded to Mixmaster, but until now went unused. His colour scheme has been extensively redecoed in a layout resembling the Generation 1Constructicons. He is decorated with a small tampograph reading 'Ol' Lefty', a reference to how Generation 1 Mixmaster formed Devastator's left leg.
He retains the mis-assembled cab joint/faulty instructions.

Combiner Class toys

My arms don't hurt anymore.... Wait.... WHERE ARE MY ARMS!?!?!?!?!?!
  • Constructicon Devastator (2009)
Combiner Class Mixmaster transforms from concrete mixer truck with a hilariously oversized drum to Devastator head and back! He contains the lights and sounds for Devastator, as well as individual sounds for his vehicle mode. They are motion activated, which means he never, ever shuts up. As with the other Constructicon members in this set, Mixmaster does not have his own robot mode. To activate sounds (if you're willing to do so, that is), press down on a lever on Devastator's chest. Doing so will raise Devastator's mighty head and open his mouth, and cause one of a myriad of sounds to play, including: 'I am.... DEVASTATOR!' 'CRUSH... AUTOBOTS!' 'MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!' 'I am...DECEPTICON!'. In Devastator mode, pressing the button down for a few moments also activates his 'vortex grinder'. Transforming him back into his own component activates the transformation sound when the face cover is pulled from the underside of his truck mode. After that, he randomly starts making engine stalling noises whenever you look at him funny.

Mega Power Bots

Sometimes it's just Orange Day.
  • Constructicon Devastator (2009)
Mega Power Bots Devastator is a simple toy for younger children, featuring plenty of playing sounds and flashing lights. His limbs have limited swivel articulation and do not detach into separate vehicles. He has a distinctly more humanoid stature than normal.
Unlike regular Power Bots, and unlike other portrayals of the character in general, Devastator features a transformation! It consists of putting his arms up and laying him flat on his stomach, which lets him roll around using the wheels on his limbs.
Pressing down the Decepticon shield on his crotch (!) spins the vortex in his chest, lights up his eyes and makes him utter one of many Welker-recorded phrases, including 'Prepare for extermination!', 'Crush Autobots!' and 'I am Devastator!' Pressing on the crane of his excavator arm makes a cannon blast sound effect, while pressing the cab of his loader arm turns the scoop into claws.

Transformers (2010)

Legends Class toys

Okay, so they managed to hide the combiner face well enough... but that doesn't help my arms, now does it?
  • Constructicon Devastator (Legends figure giftset, 2010)
A Toys'R'Us-exclusive Generation 1-themed redeco of Legends Devastator and his components. Unlike Takara's go at the same idea, Mixmaster and the other Constructicons are mostly just lime green and gray, with the only bits of purple being their windshields. They do, however, have brown paint operations on and around their wheels to simulate dirt.

  • Megatron Rising (Figure multi-pack)
This retailer exclusive multi-pack recreated the scene in Revenge of the Fallen where the Constructicons resurrect Megatron. The Mixmaster figure itself appears to be an unchanged version from the Revenge of the Fallen release of the Legends Constructicon Devastator combiner figure, and comes packed with (apparently) similarly unchanged Constructicon Devastator figures of Long Haul, Rampage, a red redeco of Scrapper, who was probably intended to be Scrapmetal, and a metallic green redeco of Revenge of the Fallen Voyager Class Megatron.
It has never been revealed for which retailer this multi-pack was intended.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Movie Advanced Series

  • Devastator (Legends, 2014)
    • Japanese ID number:AD13
Released as part of Takara's Movie Advanced Series Devastator set, Mixmaster is a redeco of the Revenge of the Fallen Legends Class Mixmaster to closely resemble his on-screen portrayal.


Studio Series

My arms feel better, but my shoulders, holy hell, are they wide!
  • Constructicon Mixmaster (Voyager Class, 2019)
    • ID number: 53
    • Japanese ID number: SS-43
    • Japanese release date: Jan 25, 2020
    • Accessories: Cab front, 'Pyramid Desert Battle' backdrop
Released to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Revenge of the Fallen, Studio Series 'Constructicon Mixmaster' is an all-new figure accurate to the character's appearance in that movie. He transforms into a licensed Mack Granite truck in 21 steps, or into Studio SeriesDevastator's head in 30 steps, and includes a cardboard backdrop depicting Operation: Firestorm. Although he sadly lacks the giant Decepticon insignia on his mixing drum and the triple-barreled cannon of his 'attack mode', he does feature a sculpted tiny 'Decepti-dog' front hood ornament.
The front half of his truck mode detaches to reveal Devastator's head (finally in a screen-accurate red) and plugs into the back of his compressed mixing drum, which in turn attaches to Studio SeriesScavenger. Studio SeriesOverload includes an additional armor piece which can be used to give the neck a more screen-accurate appearance. The design of Devastator's lower jaw differs from its appearance in the movie; it doesn't split in two.
Mixmaster is too wide to fit inside his packaging, so he comes partially disassembled; the front of the truck comes packaged beneath him and the parts of the drum from his upper arms above him. Like the rest of the Voyager figures in the same wave, Mixmaster first saw release in Hong Kong independent stores.
At least a few Mixmasters have been found with a section of Devastator's face missing.
Like the majority of the Studio Series Constructicons, he lacks a Decepticon symbol, unless you count the aforementioned hood ornament.

  • Devastator (Gift Set, 2020)
    • ID Number: 69
This boxset contains 8 of the Studio Series Constructicons seen in the Revenge of the Fallen film. In order to keep Devastator accurate to his on-screen appearance, Skipjack is included in the set, completely omitting Rampage, as he was busy elsewhere.
This release of Mixmaster features new additional paint applications on Devastator's face.
The gift set first saw release in Thailand without any announcement from Hasbro, with it later being officially revealed on the October 16th Fan First Friday.


Robot Heroes

Hi, I'm Mixmaster, and I'm extremely pleased to be your villain this evening.
  • Ironhide and Mixmaster (2009)
Part of the second wave of the Revenge of the Fallen portion of the Robot Heroes line, Mixmaster is a new sculpt that comes with a redeco of the first Robot HeroesIronhide.

  • Desert Devastation (Multi-pack, 2009)
Mixmaster is the sculpted head of 'Desert Devastation' Devastator, a super-sized Robot Heroes figure. He is only available in a multi-pack with Skids and Mudflap in their vehicle modes and William Lennox.

RPMs — Robot Powered Machines

Proudly covering his ears.
  • Mixmaster (2009)
    • Series:Commander Series
    • Number:04 of 04
Mini-Vehicle Mixmaster is a small non-transformable mixing truck with his robot mode sculpted on the vehicle's underside. His wheels feature through-axle construction that allows the toy to zip along at high speeds on smooth surfaces.

  • Enforcer Ironhide VS Mixmaster (2010)
    • Series:Battle Series 2
    • Number:06 of 06
This two-pack contains a redeco of Mini-Vehicle Mixmaster in mostly white with an orange mixing drum, alongside a red Ironhide. There are some differences between the final product and the stock photography on the cardback - notably, the retail release had brown wheels in place of black, and the cab's smokestacks were originally longer.
As part of the final wave of RPMs, Battle Series 2 did not get released through normal retail outlets in the United States, instead showing up for sale first in Canada, Asia and Europe. Later, though, it would show up in the US though Toys'R'Us Express mall stores and discount chains like Ross and TJ Maxx.

Speed Stars

  • Enforcer Ironhide VS Mixmaster (2010)
    • Series: Battle Series 2
    • Number: 06 of 06
Battle Series 2 was re-released as part of the Speed Stars line. While the Mixmaster and Ironhide redecos were available more widely than the RPM versions, they lost several paint operations in the process.


  • According to Ben Procter's concept art, Mixmaster originally had a friendly face based on that of actor Brendan Gleeson... and was apparently going to be an Autobot. The early head design was actually put to use in the Generation 1 Mixmaster-themed redeco store exclusive, as well as the Legends Mixmaster.
  • Not unlike Bonecrusher in the first movie, Revenge of the Fallen sees Mixmaster (and indeed, quite a lot of other Decepticons) emits some heavily processed, garbled Cybertronian noise that desire has occasionally led fans to misinterpret as real dialogue. The difference is that the DVD subtitles actually interpret the roar Mixmaster lets out before transforming to battle mode as the sentence fragment 'Listen up...' Unlike Bonecrusher, no voice actor is listed in the end credits.
  • The Mack Granite used as Mixmaster's alternate mode was bought and used by Ohio-based concrete company Stocker after filming, and was refurbished after the discovery of its role in the film.[3]
  • Though 'Back Road Brawl' Mixmaster was a Toy'R Us exclusive, he was featured as a co-sell on exclusive products sent to competing stores (notably the Super Tuner Throwdown, exclusive to Walmart)

The Proud Family Sticky's Mixmaster Game

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Mixmaster (ミックスマスター Mikkusumasutā)

Disney Sticky's Mixmaster


External links

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